Volunteer Activities
- European Mentoring and Coaching Council
- Business Agility Institute
- Together to Grow (LOCAL Mentoring organisation)
Team Leader (Volunteer) for the European Mentoring and Coaching Council (EMCC) – Mentoring Centre for Excellence
EMCC Global Mentoring Online Conference 2022
I lead the team that delivered the EMCC Global Mentoring Online Conference in 2022. This was a wonderful project to be involved in which gave me the opportunity to lead a fantastic team of volunteers. We planned the conference, ran the Speaker Selection process, engaged with the Speakers, worked with the Event Management company, hosted the Speakers on the day and closed out the conference.
Mentoring Definition and Competencies Project
The Mentoring Centre for Excellence reviewed how Mentoring was represented in the EMCC. The team carried out a deep research project that reexamined the definition of Mentoring and proposed a new and updated definition. Here is a link to the new Mentoring Definition.
This project was followed by a proposal to include two new Mentoring specific competencies into the Coaching/Mentoring Competency Framework. A research Survey was created to validate community support and was overwhelmingly accepted by the community.

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Team – Co-Lead
Formerly, I was co-lead for the EMCC Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion Group where we delivered the Diversity and Inclusion Declaration for the EMCC. This declaration defined the commitment to EMPOWER for Coaches and Mentors of the EMCC
Enhance: we constantly seek to enhance our Coaching; Mentoring, and Supervision practice by making our services more accessible and overcoming possible barriers, direct or indirect, conscious or unconscious.
Monitor: we acknowledge that achieving Diversity and Inclusion requires an on-going commitment from all concerned. We commit to monitor how we integrate EMCC Diversity and Inclusion frame work in all aspects of our practice.
Personal Development: we commit to identifying and addressing our learning and development needs in order to fully integrate Diversity and Inclusion in all areas of our practice.
Open: we are open to and seek continuous feedback, from our clients, supervisors, and other stakeholders on how we have integrated and continue to improve Diversity and Inclusion in all areas of our practice. We commit to act on this feedback.
Will: we will provide support and challenge, wherever necessary, to enable our clients, colleagues, service users, and providers to promote behaviours that demonstrate commitment to Diversity and Inclusion.
Engage: we endeavour to engage with other stakeholders, clients, communities of practice, colleagues, and our supervisors in upholding EMCC’s Diversity and Inclusion declaration and the Global Code of Ethics.
Reflection: as reflective practitioners we commit to reflect and act on how we continue to meet diverse needs of an inclusive society.
Business Agility Institute (BAI) & Volunteer
As a volunteer for the BAI I was one of the team that delivered the Business Agility Global Online Conference 2021. The conference featured some of the best known and up and coming names in the Agile world. With global coverage, and teams on 3 continents, we delivered a valuable and enjoyable experience for conference delegates.
In 2023 I will be part of the team delivering the BAI European Conference – in-person.
Together 2 Grow
Together 2 Grow (Czech Republic) as a Mentor for leadership and soft skills development. I also mentor privately on a pro-bono basis
Other Activities
Previously worked with a number of small charitable causes in Ireland including Michaels Hope for Independence, and Cystic Fibrosis Research
Learn More about the Coaching & Mentoring Services Mick Provides
Want to know more about the Coaching & Mentoring services Mick provides and how these may benefit you and your organisation. Book a 30 minute call with me and find out more? We can talk through your situation, the issues you face, and discuss how I can help you develop.
There is no charge for this call.